- 3 egg yolks
- 220g Pernerka Fine While Spelt flour
- 75g caster sugar
- 130g softened butter
- A pinch of salt
- 16 tbsp Lemon Curd
- 3 egg whites
- 140g icing sugar
- 1 tbsp corn starch
This luxurious dessert can be also made in a bigger version as a Lemon Meringue Tart.
1) For the pastry, put the white spelt flour, sugar, softened butter and salt into a bowl. Bring the ingredients together by rubbing them gently between your fingers until the mixtures resembles crumb like texture. Add the egg yolks, and working quickly, gather all the ingredients together until smooth. Wrap the pastry dough in a cling film and rest it in the fridge for about an hour.
2) Remove the pastry dough from the fridge, roll it out, cut rounds from pastry and line your tartlet molds with them. Trim and neaten the edges. Prick the base of each tartlet with a fork and chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.
3) Bake the tartlet shells at 180C / 160C fan for 15-18 minutes.
4) Meanwhile, prepare the meringue. Put the egg whites into a stand mixer bowl, or if using a balloon whisk/ an electric whisk, into a clean bowl (not plastic); and beat them on medium speed until you get stiff peaks. Increase the speed and start adding the sugar, a spoonful at a time. Beat well between each addition. When you’ve finished, the mixture should be thick and glossy. Using a spatula, gently fold in the corn starch.
5) Once the tartlet shells have been baked, remove them from the oven and let them cool down for a short while. Put 2 tbsp of the lemon curd into each tartlet shell and decorate with the meringue.
6) Reduce the oven temperature to 90C / 70C fan and bake for a further 90 minutes.
7) Remove the tartlets from the oven, allow them to cool down, remove them from the molds and serve. Enjoy!